Employee Ownership Trusts – In Search of Best Practice – Article

This article is contributed by our lead professional trustee firm, Independent Directors and Trustees (IDT). Any opinion expressed or advice is IDTs. The content is considered useful Continuous Professional Development material for owners considering an Employee Ownership Trust. If you have any questions or enquiries, please email us at av@avondale.co.uk or contact IDT directly quoting…

Employee Ownership Trusts

Employee Ownership Trusts – Guide

Different people start companies for different reasons, which invariably influences their exit strategy. Trade sales catch the headlines, but family succession, private equity sales and management buy-outs are all commonly used exit strategies. There is however, a developing approach which is creating significant interest. In the last six months (Summer19) Arbuckles Restaurants, Aardman Productions (the…

Securing Competitive Advantage through Employee Ownership – Webinar

Securing Competitive Advantage through Employee Ownership Kevin Uphill, founder and chairman of Avondale Corporate, is joined by Ice Roof & Cladding managing director Gareth Davies in this webinar, ‘Securing Competitive Advantage through Employee Ownership’. Employee Ownership sales are becoming more popular, with 0% capital gains tax and not all companies being suited for trade sales.…

Employee Ownership (EO) 2022

Creating Advantage via Employee Ownership in 2022 – Article

8 minute read Employee Ownership (EO) is an established exit strategy, whereby shareholders sell their company to a trust for the benefit of their employees. Since 2014, (“CGT”) free – this advantage is primarily driven by Government studies demonstrating that Employee Ownership increases company productivity, sustainability, local investment, and social mobility https://www.gov.uk/employee-ownership. There are now circa…

How to Sell Your Business to Your Team

How To Sell Your Business To Your Team – The Employee Ownership Sale In our ‘How to Sell Your Business to Your Team’ webinar Kevin Uphill, Chairman of Avondale, is joined by employee ownership trust specialist Sue Lawrence, as well as Greg Vincent of Morrisons Solicitors LLP to discuss why employee ownership is centre stage.…