Business Post-Covid: Remain Positive, React Accordingly and We are Usually Successful

The media reports constant gloom and we know that shutting sections of the economy such as leisure and travel is going to have a significant long-term shock. However, the history of the economy proves that there are reasons to be cheerful, and the road we must travel is not so scary as we may think.

In this webinar we will look at the latest trends and post-Covid-19 valuation methods. Talks about identifying the right deals for both buyers and sellers, deal structures, finance and securing equity investment, together with increasing shareholder value.

Understanding the Negativity Bias

This is about perspective. We need to remember as leaders the media is biased towards bad news, which is proven to sell more. Psychologists call this the “negativity bias” which is our collective hunger to hear and remember bad news. This is a survival instinct as we look for signals that we need to change what we are doing to avoid danger.

As leaders, if we recognise this, we can look for and pay more attention to the good news. Entrepreneurs tend to be optimists so most of our clients in recent discussions are actually very focused and positive about how they can react effectively and look for opportunities. They do not know the exact path to thrive. Yet they are determined and imaginative.

If you are interested in learning more about M&A in the Covid-19 world, you can read our accompanying article – ‘Business Post-Covid: The Important Road M&A Must Travelhere, where we go further in depth on the topic. Otherwise, enjoy the webinar below.


We have launched our ‘Lead Ahead’ Webinar Series in line with our weekly articles. Watch our ‘Selling a Business Post-Covid: How To Prepare A Business For Sale’ webinar here.

For information on other webinars within the series, visit our Webinars & Events page.

Avondale are EME business advisors. Through our management consultancy, we support growth and scaling up. Through our M&A and corporate work, we secure investment and finance for EME businesses, help people buy and sell companies and enhance shareholder value. We recognise ambitious owners who require ambitious, specialist advisors.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our services in confidence or would like some advice regarding business post-Covid, please call +44(0)20 7788 8250, fill in our Contact Form or email us directly on

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